Scow Spring Series 2022 – Race 1 Report & Announcements

It was so good to be down by the river again last Saturday; greeting friends, peeling back the covers and tugging up the gaffs.

‘A bright and cheerful Saturday lunchtime saw the Scow fleet take to the water for the first race of the Spring series.

Following each race, we will be having a race report from the helms person who came in 2nd across the line. Our first race report is from Symon Stratton:

Rather than a chance to blow out the cobwebs after a long winter’s wait, it was more of a gentle affair with a cool northerly, allowing us to ease our rusty selves back out of hibernation.

While the wind was gentle, it was by no means consistent in strength or direction, (as you would expect at the top of the river). It was quite flukey at times, but alas not as flukey as you would hope for when attempting to reel in a turquoise stern belonging to Eric Williams!

Despite being sent around two marks which are notoriously perplexing to navigate, (being Kingfisher and ‘C’ off Bignalls), Eric and his granddaughter Ida, managed to slip away unscathed at both hurdles and took a deserved victory. The remainder of the 4 boats were reasonably spread out by the end, but hopefully for the most part, well out of hibernation and just enjoying being back on the water’.

Congratulations to Eric, Symon and Lizzie who took 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions across the line and many thanks to our volunteers – Ginna, Oli, Sam and Tove, Frances and Cassie. Our thanks too, to Jay who was with us earlier in the morning testing boat buoyancy and who will be back on 16th April, from 9.45, to test any remaining boats. Please remember to bring your Scow Association Certificate if you wish to get it signed off as you will need to provide this if you want to compete in either the Traveller’s Trophy, or the Scow Championships.


We have been invited to join the LRSCA. Yearly membership £10. Dead line for this year’s contact booklet is the end of the month. More details on our website here.


We are introducing a new scheme to help encourage novice racers onto the water. Too nervous to give it a go on your own? Not sure of the starting and mark rounding rules? We can link you up with an experienced helmsperson who will helm for you and talk you round the course. If you’d like to volunteer to be a Scow Buddy please let me know. The normal volunteers “average duty points’ will be applied towards your race results.


As Race 2 falls on Easter Saturday, and many families will be gathering in the area, we would like to invite our Junior members to hop in a boat with their grandparent, parent or friend and join us on the river for a Family Race. We will be monitoring the weather nearer the time and advise accordingly – we don’t want to put off any small people! Post racing refreshments are kindly being provided by Sara Steele at Bignalls Boathouse, 12.30. Please click here to email Sara in advance to let her know if you are attending.

Many thanks to our members who are volunteering for this race:

Starting Gerry Marling-Roberts

Race Officer June Kirkman

Safety Fiona Duncan & Nick Burge

To register for a race or to volunteer, please click here.

Yours aye,

Victoria Bonham Carter, Captain of Scows