Health & Safety

Health & Safety Policy for Sail Training

Whilst we are not an RYA Training Establishment we try to operate as though we were (see the full RYA safety policy document), particularly in the area of general safety on the water. However, to be able to continue to make this claim we have had to provide a BRSC Risk Assessment

 and our own Health & Safety Policy.

To comply with this policy the club would like to highlight some concerns and list a few rules (nothing new) which we will all have to follow.

1. Life Jackets: This goes without saying, but please make sure that they are the correct size, have all their straps and buckles and are marked with the owner’s name.

2. All children should be able to swim at least 50 metres.

3. Cold: Probably the biggest danger. We strongly encourage well fitted wetsuits plus a spray top or at least an all-in-one dinghy suit. A dry change of clothes must always be ready on shore, along with chocolate bars, soft drinks etc.

4. Duty Mothers: There should be 3 each day, 2 at Factory Field and one at Oxley’s. At Factory Field one should be in the vicinity of the slipway at all times and have immediate access to the Contacts List, the First Aid box and a mobile telephone.

5. Scows: Should be in a sea-worthy condition with all buoyancy bags properly strapped in and inflated. All rigging and gear should be checked and must include a burgee, a strong bucket attached by a lanyard to the boat, working oars and rowlocks and a painter of not less than 8m.

6. Oppies: Must have serviceable, fully inflated buoyancy, paddle (the flipper type), bailer (tied in), burgee and a painter of not less than 4m.

7. To avoid getting entangled with your boat, please wear the approprate clothing, tie back long hair and remove jewelery.

8. Sharp stones and glass are a hazard of the bank so please also remind your children that shoes or wetsuit boots must be worn at all times (not flip flops or backless crocs).