The club relies heavily upon its members to volunteer for important functions to allow it to run its programme of events. It is expected that all of us do our turn now and again.
Although it is expected that all sailors forgo the odd race they are not be penalised in terms of the points they receive for undertaking that duty. Duty points are awarded for any sailor unable to compete due to a volunteering commitment. These will be calculated as that person’s average for the series. Please note: this calculation will change as the series progresses as their average will change.
If you cannot fulfil the duty you have volunteered for it is your responsibility to find a replacement.
We need volunteers in the following roles: Race Officers (Officer of the Day), Starting Officers, Safety Boat Drivers, Safety Crew, Beach-Masters, Shore Support and post race tea making and hospitality.
The Club will endeavour to provide occasional training in those areas that require it.
More details of these roles:
Race Officer
Race Officers liaise with the Class Captain and/or Sailing Secretary in the setting and managing of a race. This will involve correctly assessing the prevailing conditions and making a call on abandoning a race or shortening, lengthening or changing a course if situations alter.
Safety Boat Drivers
Safety Boat Drivers must hold an RYA PB2 qualification and be confident boat handlers.
Starting Officer
Starting Officers make sure we have a good clean start. The Starting Guide and Guide to using the Hooter can be found here. Starting Officers record all participant’s names & sail numbers and log them over the finish line at the end.
Safety Boat Crew
Safety Boat Crew must be physically fit and confident they can accomplish the rescue of a capsized sailor from the water.
Hospitality & Shore Support
After racing a cuppa is very welcome. Helping with hospitality is as important as any other role; allowing sailors to warm up & socialise when back ashore.
Extra levels of ad hoc assistance with registration and scoring are sometimes required.
Beach Masters
Beach Masters assist with the launching and retrieval of boats and any other shore-based marshalling.