BRSC Regatta – 24 & 25 August 2024
Jay Devonshire is Race Officer and Ginna Gayner with her trusty team of Alison & David Moore-Gwyn will be on the platform doing the starting. Andrew Duncan will be Race Officer and on the Committee Boat for the Lasers. Registration on Saturday is at 1200 hours followed by a picnic lunch at Needs Ore and racing will commence at 1420 hours. Ideally, the plan is to do 3 back to back races for the Scows competing for the Chichester Trophy and 5 for the Lasers competing for the Challenge Cup.
Registration on the Sunday is 1230 hours followed by picnic lunch. Race Officer is Charles Nicholson and Gerard Downes with the support of Miranda Knowles and Tom Karsten doing the starting. Tom Dykes will be Race Officer and on the Committee Boat for the Lasers. The plan is start racing at 1450 hours with 3 back to back Scow races competing for the Commodore’s Trophy and 5 back to back Laser races competing for the Young’s Trophy.
Toppers and Junior Scows are also encouraged to race on both days competing for the Tew Salver and Gayner Cup
All timings are on the website in the diary section for 24/25 August but these are subject to change on the day pending turnout and conditions.
Teas and Prize Giving on the Sunday will take place at 1800 hours on the Sunday.
Thank you to those that have volunteered to help on the shore and in the safety boats.